Saturday, November 12, 2016

Green Party 2016 Platform, needs to be made into a Canadate's Interview Checklist.

Green and Bees, while we prefer to make Honey.
We sure can sting when we have too.
Views from the Watch Towers:

We need to add some kind of quantative values measurements to these positions.
For our "The Green Card Candidates Reviews"


DATAbase of all Elections in America and each State

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Ugly Truth

Green and Bees, while we prefer to make Honey.
We sure can sting when we have too.
Views from the Watch Towers:

The seeds of the great US economic 2008 crash were planted in the Clinton Administration and the DNC knew it.
The Dot COM bubble was milked out. So they had to get a fall guy in. Dumb Bush to take the coming crash and blame.

The Obama administration has milked out the new Wars, blackmailing and fines of International Companies bubble and a new Crash is on track for 2017 .

So a new Fall Guy is needed, this is why the DNC did not run a winning candidate or even a Bernie / Hillary ticket.

They needed a another Dump Ass and who better the the Bankruptcy King himself, the Donald.

With a Bit of Help from FBI and a hack or three from CIA-NSA. The Deal was done.

Mr. Clinton got the legacy of 8 great years and so will Mr. Obama.

Hillary gets the glory of being the first women to almost be President but avoid the Big Bomb on her would be Watch.

Simple as that Folks. Always follow the Money.

Blood runs thick as Honey.

The Truth about America's Energy Issues.

Green and Bees, while we prefer to make Honey.

We sure can sting when we have too.

The issues of Energy programs in America are not really Technical or what is Green and could be done in one or two years. (Solar P.V.a & H.W. on every rooftop and Edison Nickle Iron Batteries storing it).
It is all about keeping people tied to a Grid, they have not control over but must have to live a normal life. And who and how big money can keep us all chained to these Cash Cow Grids.

George King.

Our Facebook Group:

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Green and Bees, while we prefer to make Honey.
We sure can sting when we have too.
Views from the Watch Towers:

While the Green Party at this size and stage can not have candidates in every local city, town village, county and state or national election. There is a very powerful tool we could create and use in all of these elections.
"The Green Card Candidates Reviews"

A simple review of how close or far away from what the Greens feel is needed in a candidate (based on the office and location they are running for to serve needs (for everyone, the environment, etc.
Not not all candidates at this time would perhaps agree to be survived by us but the public positions (possible conflicts of interest and past history or performance (voting records) would do and be more accurate then a survey or interview in most cases, I expect.
No matter what Party or no Party they are running under, we can and should rate all of them.
Dog Catcher, School Boards, Sheriffs, Judges or legislators.

Lets make the GREEN CARD the free Voting guide for all thinking Americans.
Starting right now !!!!

The Plateform can serve as our checklist for any party’s canadates.
George & Janice

Our Facebook Group: